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सीपीपीपी निविदाएं

The following are the list of the tenders which are published on the CPPP. The users may use the filters as per the requirement.


जीईएमपर तेजी से प्रसार और निविदाओं से संबंधित जानकारी तक आसान पहुंच प्रदान करने के लिए इस पृष्ठ पर प्रकाशित विभिन्न निविदा दस्तावेजों के बारे में सभी जानकारी सीपीपी मंच द्वारा प्रदान की जा रही है।सीपीपी मंच द्वारा निर्धारित नीतियां जीईएममंच पर इस कड़ी के तहत उपलब्ध जानकारी पर भी लागू होती हैं और जीईएम की जानकारी की सटीकता, प्रामाणिकता और वैधता की कोई ज़िम्मेदारी नहीं है। उपयोगकर्ताओं को सलाह दी जाती है कि वे संबंधित सरकारी विभागों या अन्य स्रोतों के साथ जानकारी सत्यापित जांचें और मंच पर प्रदान की गई जानकारी पर कार्य करने से पहले कोई उचित व्यावसायिक सलाह प्राप्त करें। सीपीपी पोर्टल नीतियां

टेंडर आईडी
निविदा शीर्षक
संगठन का नाम
बोली उप. अंतिम तिथि
उपलब्धता रिपोर्ट आईडी
बोली जमा करने की अंतिम तिथि टेंडर खोलने की तारीख ई-प्रकाशित तिथि शीर्षक/संदर्भ । नंबर ./टेंडर आईडी संगठन का नाम शुद्धिपत्र जीईएम उपलब्धता रिपोर्ट आईडी डाउनलोड
09-January-2025 12:00:00 PM 12-December-2024 06:00:00 PM 12-December-2024 05:00:00 PM SUPPLY OF MEAT DSD CHILLED/FROZEN/313201/MEAT/LEIMAKHONG/25-26/2024_ARMY_688036_1 IHQ of MoD (Army)-(OSCC)||Eastern Comd-IHQ of MoD (Army)-(OSCC)||ST BR-Eastern Comd-IHQ of MoD (Army)-(OSCC) N/A
09-January-2025 12:00:00 PM 12-December-2024 06:00:00 PM 12-December-2024 05:00:00 PM SUPPLY OF MEAT DRESSED CHILLED / FROZEN/313201/MEAT/RANGAPAHAR1/25-26/2024_ARMY_688266_1 IHQ of MoD (Army)-(OSCC)||Eastern Comd-IHQ of MoD (Army)-(OSCC)||ST BR-Eastern Comd-IHQ of MoD (Army)-(OSCC) N/A
04-February-2025 03:00:00 PM 20-December-2024 05:10:00 PM 20-December-2024 05:00:00 PM Consultancy Servicesfor DPR Preparation for Lututanr (NH-218) to Nirsa (NH-19) Bypass including Land Acquisition, Forest Clearance, R and R, Utility Shifting in the state of Jharkhand under EPC mode/NH/Dhanbad/06/2024-25/2024_MoRTH_839385_1 Ministry of Road Transport and Highways||P3 Delhi - MoRTH||RO Ranchi - MoRTH N/A
08-January-2025 04:00:00 PM 26-December-2024 11:00:00 AM 12-December-2024 02:00:00 PM RFP for Upgradation, Operation and Maintenance of National Air Quality Data Management System/IT-12/2/2023-IT-HO-CPCB-HO/2024_CPCB_839354_1 Central Pollution Control Board View GEM/GARPTS/05122024/DNKKCBBTLIEF
09-January-2025 11:00:00 AM 19-December-2024 04:00:00 PM 12-December-2024 05:00:00 PM Supply ofQuadrivalent Meningococcal Meningitis Vaccine (QMMV)/PS/2/QMMV/Haj Session 2025/2024-25/05/2024_DGHS_839166_1 Directorate General Health Services,MHFW||Medical Stores Organisation,DGHS,MHFW||Govt. Medical Stroes Depot,New Delhi,MSO,DGHS,MHFW N/A GEM/GARPTS/12122024/UN52CQ2T6ST2
09-January-2025 06:00:00 PM 02-January-2025 09:00:00 AM 12-December-2024 02:00:00 PM PERIODICAL SERVICES TO CERTAIN BLDG ZONE B AT ZAKHAMA MILITARY STATION/8271/E8/2024_MES_688330_1 E-IN-C BRANCH - MILITARY ENGINEER SERVICES||CE EC AND CE SHILLONG ZONE - MES||CWE HQ 137 WE - MES||AGE (I) Zakhama - MES N/A
09-January-2025 11:00:00 AM 19-December-2024 04:00:00 PM 12-December-2024 05:00:00 PM Tender for Supply of Quadrivalent and Trivalent Seasonal Influenza Vaccine(SIV)/PS/2/SIV/Haj Session 2025/2024-25/06/2024_DGHS_839168_1 Directorate General Health Services,MHFW||Medical Stores Organisation,DGHS,MHFW||Govt. Medical Stroes Depot,New Delhi,MSO,DGHS,MHFW N/A GEM/GARPTS/12122024/26WD6G1FDSRQ
04-February-2025 03:00:00 PM 20-December-2024 05:10:00 PM 20-December-2024 05:00:00 PM Consultancy Servicesfor DPR Preparation for Mahuda More (NH-18) to Lututanr (NH-218) Bypass including Land Acquisition, Forest Clearance, R AND R, Utility Shifting in the state of Jharkhand under EPC mode./NH/Dhanbad/07/2024-25/2024_MoRTH_839397_1 Ministry of Road Transport and Highways||P3 Delhi - MoRTH||RO Ranchi - MoRTH N/A
06-January-2025 03:00:00 PM 12-December-2024 03:00:00 PM 12-December-2024 03:00:00 PM Request for Proposal (RFP) through GeM For End-to-End Supply, Installation, Commissioning and Maintenance of 1000 Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) (Including UPS ,Chemical Earthing, OTC Software,AMC Spare cassettes) Under Rate Contract for Five Yea/GEM/2024/B /5682360/2024_PSB_781449_1 Punjab and Sind Bank||HO IT Department - PSB View N/A
09-January-2025 11:00:00 AM 12-December-2024 01:40:00 PM 12-December-2024 01:30:00 PM Construction of Approach on Rail cum Road Bridge over River Ganga in Ghazipur on NH24 in the State of Uttar Pradesh on EPC mode./NHAI/HQ/UP (E)/Vns/ Road Bride/ NH-24/E-tender/2024_NHAI_219167_1 National Highways Authority of India||Head Office - NHAI||Technical - NHAI N/A N/A

28,193 में से 25860 से 25870 प्रविष्टियां दिखा रहे हैं