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For COVID-19 Response Project, involving procurement of items such as masks, gloves, disinfectants, reagents, etc., the World Bank has enhanced threshold for use of GeM from US$ 100,000 to US$ 1 Million.

Government has capped the prices for some essential products related to COVID-19.

GeM is taking necessary steps to ensure that we are well prepared to face the threat Covid-19 poses by constantly upgrading the catalogue with products in Covid Medical and Auxiliary categories. Click to read English  /  Hindi

S.NO Category Name No. of Sellers
1 High Flow Nasal Oxygen Therapy Unit 146
2 Nasal Oxygen Cannula 777
3 Oxygen concentrator 636
4 Oxygen Flow Meter 1539
5 PSA Oxygen Generator 22
6 Pulse Oximeter 232
7 Ventury Medical Oxygen Mask 150
8 Acoustic stethoscope 3512
9 Air Mattress for Medical Use 596
10 Air purifiers 193
11 Alcohol Based Hand Rub / Hand Sanitizer 7747
12 Ambulances - R 14
13 Ambulatory blood pressure monitor 9
14 Anatomical Face Masks 314
15 Anti - SARS CoV - 2 / COVID - 19 Elisa Testing Kit 44
16 Anti - Streptolysin O (ASO) Kits 192
17 Antiseptic / Antimicrobial Hand Wash 5693
18 Arterial Blood Gas Analyser 217
19 Arterial Line catheters and cannuala 255
20 Auto Disable Syringes for Fixed Dose Immunization As Per MOH&FW Specification 31
21 Auto Drain Trap Valve- Solenoid operated (To drain Water) for Oxygen Concentrator 19
22 Automated Hematology Analyser (Part 3) 458
23 Automated Hematology Analyser (Part 5) 249
24 Automated nucleic acid extraction machine 148
25 Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) 101
26 Basic facility for COVID hospital 2
27 Battery Cell as per IS 9128, IS 8144 20435
28 Bed Side Table 2404
29 Biosafety Cabinet 290
30 BiPAP Full Face Mask 25
31 Blood and Fluid Warmer 385
32 Blood Glucose Test Strips (Glucostrips) 2360
33 Blood Glucose Test Strips (Glucostrips) with Glucometer 405
34 Blood pressure recording units 747
35 C - Reactive Protein (CRP) Kit 518
36 Card Board Box for Bio - Medical Waste Collection 269
37 Cardiac Monitor with defibrillator 282
38 Cardiac Troponin T TEST KIT 974
39 Central Venous catheters 143
40 Closed Circuit Suction Set 161
41 Compressed Medical Oxygen (IP) Gas Supply in Cylinders 9
42 Compressed Oxygen Gas (V2) as per IS 309 169
43 Compressed Oxygen Gas as per IS 309 336
44 Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) Mask 647
45 Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy (CRRT) Machine 16
46 Coveralls for COVID -19 27
47 COVID-19 Rapid Antigen detection-based Home Test/Self Test kits 8
48 CT Scanners 64 Slice 2
49 Deep Freezer For Universal Immunization Program 421
50 Digital Medical Thermometer 312
51 Digital Radiography Systems 103
52 Disposable Bed Sheets for Health Care Facility 1510
53 Disposable Clinical Thermometers 1211
54 Disposable Double Lumen Endotracheal Tubes 62
55 Disposable Single Use Towels 305
56 Disposable Surgical Rubber Gloves - Prepowdered as per IS 13422 2175
57 ECG Machine 1310
58 Echo Cardiography Scanning Machine 108
59 ECO - Friendly Disinfectant (Hydrogen Peroxide + Silver Nitrate) 96
60 ELISA Plate Washer (ICMR Specs) 210
61 Elisa Reader (ICMR) 458
62 ELISA Testing Kits 1023
63 Emergency Foldable Rescue Stretcher 1178
64 Emergency recovery trolley 613
65 Endotracheal tubes 127
66 Epidural tuohy cannula 142
67 Extra Corporeal Membrane Oxygenator (ECMO Oxygenator) 8
68 Feeding Pump 9
69 Femoral Arterial (Perfusion) Cannula 84
70 Femoral Venous (Perfusion) Cannula 84
71 Filter cum Pressure Regulater 128
72 Filtering Half Mask-Air Pollution Mask-IS 9473 664
73 First Aid Kit 3227
74 Flexible Fiber Optic Bronchoscope 71
75 Flexible Fiber optic Video Bronchoscope 171
76 Floatable and Foldable Multi Stretcher or Air evacuation stretchers or accessories 232
77 Fluid Absorbent Body Cover Bag or Emergency medical services disaster body pouches 258
78 Foot Operated Suction Unit 151
79 Fragmentable Nasal Pack (NDRF) 86
80 Full Body Sanitizer Spray Chamber 70
81 Fully Automatic Bio Chemistry Analyzer 338
82 Haemodialysis Machine 58
83 Haemodialysis Machine with SLED / HDF 22
84 Handheld Digital Infrared Thermometer 2295
85 High End Multipara Monitor 151
86 High Vacuum Suction Machine for medical purposes 1614
87 Hospital biohazard bags or bio medical waste collection bags 2489
88 Hot air oven 1603
89 Humidifier 557
90 Hydrogen Breath Analyzer 127
91 Ice Lined Refrigerator 1290
92 Ice packs 465
93 ICU Bed 1241
94 ICU Facility / Ward for COVID 19 patients 1
95 ICU Ventilator 307
97 Infrared Medical Thermometer For Measuring Body Temperature 37
98 Infusion Pump Volumetric / Syringe Based 918
99 Insulated vaccine delivery van 25
100 Integrated Powered Drill and Debrider system 30
101 Intravenous Cannulas as per IS 10555 - 5 1166
102 Intubating Laryngoscope for Anesthesia Procedures 1305
104 Intubation Stylets 115
105 ISO Propyl Alcohol as per IS 2631 1502
106 Iv sets transfusion and infusion equipments 2834
107 Laboratory Incubators 1408
108 Laboratory Vials 836
109 Malathion 25% WP 251
110 Manual Needle Cum Syringe Hub Destroyer 1314
111 Manual single channel air displacement pipetters or micropipette 2680
112 Master mix for COVID-19 testing 40
113 Medical Cold Storage Chilling Units - Cold Box 1260
115 Medical or surgical suction sets or kits 369
116 Medical Oxygen Gas Cylinders - Aluminium 1030
117 Medical Oxygen Gas Cylinders - Steel (Normalized) 668
118 Medical Oxygen Gas Cylinders - Steel (Quenched and Tempered) 525
119 Medical Safety Goggles 620
120 Medical Staff Aprons 1749
121 Medical staff bouffant caps female crimp cap disposable 824
122 Medical staff shoe cover 1103
123 Medical Waste Incinerator 22
124 Mercury medical thermometers 322
125 Mobile Folding Privacy Screen / Ward Screen 1788
126 Mucus extractors 495
127 Multipara Monitor - High End 46
128 Multipara Monitor - Low End 383
129 Nabulizer 266
130 Nebulizer mask and accessories 651
132 Neonatal Ventilator 121
133 Non Invasive Ventilator BiPAP 364
134 Non Return Valve 314
135 Novel Coronavirus (COVID - 19) Sample Collection Kit 404
136 Oxygen Purity Meter for Oxygen Concentrator 135
137 Particulate Respiratory Mask - FFP as per IS 9473:2002 91
138 Patient Bed (Fowler and Semi Fowler) 2993
139 Patient care mattresses 2140
140 Patient Stretcher Trolley 1839
141 Patient Transfer Mats or Sheets for Hospital / Ambulance 56
142 PCR Tubes 727
143 Peak Flow Meter- Medical 50
144 Permanent Hemodialysis Catheter 80
145 Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) Body Coverall for COVID-19 11
146 Portable Ultrasound Machine 188
147 Portable Ventilator 173
148 Portable X - Ray Machine 86
149 Pressure Safety Valve 44
150 Primer, Probe and Master Mix Combo Test Kit for COVID-19 2
151 Rapid Antigen Test Kits for Novel Corona Virus (SARS - COV - 2 / COVID - 19) 78
152 Rapid COVID Antibody test kit 120
153 Rapid Molecular Diagnostics Test Instrument 6
154 Re - Breathing Bag or Resuscitator Bag 975
155 Real time micro PCR 61
156 Real time PCR (ICMR specs) 143
157 Real Time PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) Kits For Novel Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19) 213
158 Real Time PCR Machine 100
159 Refrigerated Centrifuge For General And Research Purpose 1056
160 Refrigerated Micro - Centrifuge 96
161 Refrigerator Truck for Vaccine Transport 17
162 Respiratory Filter - Full Face Masks 555
163 Respirometer / Respiratory Exerciser 240
164 Resuscitation crash cart console for hospitals 1915
165 Resuscitation Kit 981
166 Reusable / Washable Cloth Face Mask 4973
167 Reusable Khadi Mask -KVIC 1
168 Reusable Medical Aprons 1254
169 Reusable Medical Gowns 1086
170 Reusable surgical Shoe Covers 137
171 Rigid Bronchoscope 42
172 Room Thermometer 1276
173 Rotameter 53
174 Saline Stand 1831
175 Semi Automatic Bio Chemistry Analyser 279
176 Sharp Container for Bio - Medical Waste Collection 1674
177 Single Use Rubber Examination Gloves-IS 15354 3400
178 Solar direct drive combined refrigerator/freezer(small) 158
179 Solenoid Valve with Spring Return In/Exhaust 73
180 Steam Sterlizer 20
181 Suction catheters 712
182 Surgeon caps or hoods surgeons cap disposable 1641
183 Surgical Drapes-Disposable 99
184 Surgical Gloves as per IS 4148 4674
185 Surgical isolation Faceshield 2187
186 Surgical isolation or surgical masks 2387
187 Surgical Protective Hood Caps 326
188 Surgical trolley covers 371
189 Syringe pumps 51
190 Table Top Autoclave 1088
191 Thermocol Ice box for Medical purposes 785
192 Toilet Soap, Liquid As Per IS 4199 12427
193 Touchless Sanitizer Dispenser 1356
194 Tracheostomy Mask For Respiratory Care 33
195 Transport Incubator 118
196 Two Body Mortuary 131
197 Ultra low temperature laboratory deep freezer 1665
198 Ultrasound Scanning Machine 272
199 Universal pipette tips 3461
200 Vent Catheter 28
201 Vented endotracheal bougies 187
202 Ventilation Management Training Simulator 30
203 Ventilator 72
204 Ventilator for Adult and Paediatric Ventilation 16
205 Video Laryngoscope 509
206 Vinyl / Rubber Gloves for Hospitals Cleaning 1134
207 Viral RNA Extraction Kits 230
208 Vortex mixers 944
209 Walk in Cooler 118
210 Walk in Freezer 16
211 Wheel chairs 220
212 Widal Test Kits 767
213 X - Ray Machine (300 mA) 81
214 X - Ray Machine (500 mA) 89
215 X - Ray Machine (800 MA) 15
216 X - Ray Unit with Fluoroscopy 3
Note: Data published as of 10-Jan-2025 12:52:19