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CPPP Tenders

The following are the list of the tenders which are published on the CPPP. The users may use the filters as per the requirement.


All information about various Tender Documents published on this page is being provided by CPP portal to facilitate faster dissemination and easy access to information related to Tenders. Portal Policies laid down by the CPP portal are also applicable on the Information available under this Link on GeM and GeM does not hold any responsibility for the accuracy, authenticity and validity of information. Users are advised to verify/check information with the relevant Government department(s) and/or other source(s), and to obtain any appropriate professional advice before acting on the information provided in the Portal. CPP Portal Policies

Tender ID
Tender Title
Organization Name
Bid Sub. Closing Date
Availability Report Id
Bid Submission Closing Date Tender Opening Date e-Published Date Title/Ref.No./Tender Id Organisation Name Corrigendum GeM Availability Report Id Download
16-January-2025 02:25:00 PM 08-November-2024 12:00:38 PM 08-November-2024 12:00:38 PM HORN KIT OVERHAULING DRG. NO. TKD. SK - [HORN KIT OVERHAULING DRG. NO. TKD. SK - 703 M ALT. 2. OR LATEST.]/10242609/106520250 Ministry of Railways N/A N/A
13-January-2025 12:30:00 PM 08-November-2024 11:48:11 AM 08-November-2024 11:48:11 AM Fire Retardant Decorative Thermosetting/61242459/106520069 Ministry of Railways N/A N/A
30-December-2024 11:30:00 AM 08-November-2024 11:40:05 AM 08-November-2024 11:40:05 AM TWO TYPE OF BRACKETS TO PL NO. 35982445 & 33680358/12241450/106519757 Ministry of Railways N/A N/A
06-January-2025 02:00:00 PM 08-November-2024 10:20:37 PM 08-November-2024 10:20:37 PM Snubber Spring CASNUB bogie to RDSO Drg. no. WD- 83069 - S/1. Item No. 3 . Alt no. 16. spac -WD -01 HLS- 94 . Rev. 4./04244581/106515113 Ministry of Railways N/A N/A
02-January-2025 12:30:00 PM 08-November-2024 04:01:35 PM 08-November-2024 04:01:35 PM ELASTIC RING FOR WAG-9 LOCOMOTIVE/20244168/106513876 Ministry of Railways N/A N/A
30-December-2024 03:00:00 PM 08-November-2024 06:20:48 PM 08-November-2024 06:20:48 PM Intermediate Overhauling (IOH) replacement kit for single bottle VCB of M/s.Schneider type 22CB to Pt.No.5510750 as per annexure./02241434/106501536 Ministry of Railways N/A N/A
30-December-2024 01:30:00 PM 07-November-2024 07:00:55 PM 07-November-2024 07:00:55 PM Stainless Steel Lav. Inlay Complete/11241120A/106519962 Ministry of Railways N/A N/A
30-December-2024 11:00:00 AM 07-November-2024 06:21:10 PM 07-November-2024 06:21:10 PM FULL FRP BODY SIDE WINDOW ARRANGEMENT/07240116/106519940 Ministry of Railways N/A N/A
06-January-2025 02:30:00 PM 07-November-2024 04:19:46 PM 07-November-2024 04:19:46 PM CENTRE PIVOT PIN OF 239mm LENGTH FOR CASNUB 22W(M) & NL BOGIES TO RDSO DRG NO : WD-85079-S/2, ITEM-5, ALT : 27./38241171/106519691 Ministry of Railways N/A N/A
07-January-2025 01:30:00 PM 07-November-2024 03:17:32 PM 07-November-2024 03:17:32 PM POH kit No.2 of RF-361 high capacity draft gear etc/21241060/106519604 Ministry of Railways N/A N/A

Showing 25010 to 25020 of 25,395 entries